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[Totem Enquiry] cyst in liver and kidney- 2011 Malaysia 06

发表于 2021-10-28 09:19:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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 More Totem Enquiry Cases

Totem Enquiry

The following case is extracted from “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” Grand Dharma Function in Malaysia on 28 August 2011. Master Lu performed Totem Enquiries live on stage and answered questions from the audience to help them overcome difficulties in their health, career, and everyday issues.

When a person is asking Master Lu to perform Totem Enquiry, if a living person is being enquired, then the year of birth and the Chinese zodiac sign of that person should be stated. If a deceased person is being enquired, then the full name of the deceased and the exact written characters of the name should be stated.


Enquirer: Thank you, respected Master Lu.

Master Lu: Hello.

Enquirer: I’m a Rabbit born in 1939.

Master Lu: Rabbit born in 1939. Ah. Madam, what would like to ask?

Enquirer: I want to ask about the cyst in my liver and the cyst in my kidney. How’s my condition? Also, how many Little Houses should I recite?

Master Lu: Ah. Madam, let me tell you. The cyst that you have in your liver is fine for now. It hasn’t expanded. I see that the cyst in your liver is just a tiny one. Do you understand? In the past you had a medical examination for it, and the doctor would have asked you to have an operation.

Enquirer: Yes.

Master Lu: Round of applause! And this cyst in your liver has not increased in size at the moment. I suggest you to not have an operation for now. If you can follow my suggestion, and recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) 49 times per day, I can tell you, this cyst would definitely not increase in size. But you must stop eating live seafood.

Enquirer: Yes, I don’t eat live seafood anymore.

Master Lu: Stop eating live seafood, and then you should perform Life Liberation. Okay? You can also make a Great Vow. Let me tell you, this is not life threatening. What is life threatening for you is your heart. Even though you don’t have heart disease now, but from the Totem that I see now, you often experience chest distress, shortness of breath, and discomfort in the heart. Is that right?

Enquirer: Yes.

Master Lu: Madam, you answered very loudly, so I will continue to perform Totem Enquiry for you.

Enquirer: Please take a look at my kidney. There’s also a cyst in the right kidney.

Master Lu: What’s your Chinese zodiac sign again?

Enquirer: 1939, Rabbit.

Master Lu: Ah. Madam, your kidney is a bit troublesome. It has already affected your urinary system. Do you understand?

Enquirer: Yes, I understand.

Master Lu: You have trouble urinating. Ah. I see it, I see it. On your right kidney, there’s a female foreign spirit on the cyst. She looks like you. Similar age as well. Do you have a sister that passed away?

Enquirer: Yes, my older sister.

Master Lu: Do you understand? Madam, let me tell you, I have helped you to find the cause, which means I can save you. Alright?

Enquirer: Okay.

Master Lu: Her demand is not high. In total you should recite 78 Little Houses for her. Okay?

Enquirer: Okay.

Master Lu: Okay! Seriously, are you going to keep asking questions?

Enquirer: So, 78 Little Houses for the kidney. What about the liver?

Master Lu: Pardon?

Enquirer: Liver.

Master Lu: What you said about your kidney earlier is due to your older sister. For your liver, you need to recite an additional 24 Little Houses. It’s just a general procedure to remove foreign spirits. In your past, from your Totem I can see that, it seems like you have committed killings in the past. Minor killings, for example, you killed chicken or fish. You performed a large number of killings.

Enquirer: Very true, I have killed chicken in the past.

Master Lu: I can’t stop now. Okay? Okay. Madam, alright, alright.

Enquirer: So now I… I want to ask a question, I’m reciting the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance (Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen) 3 times per day, the Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching) 7 times per day, the Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou) 21 times per day, and the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) 27 times per day. Do I need to adjust my Daily Recitation now?

Master Lu: Ah. Madam, you should recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) 21 times per day. How many times do you recite now?

Enquirer: 27 times.

Master Lu: Ah. Good. How about the Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching)?

Enquirer: I recite the Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching) 7 times per day.

Master Lu: Ah. Increase it to 11 times. Cundi Dharani 49 times per day. You should try to extend your life by reciting the Arya Amitayur Niyama Prabharaja Dharani (Sheng Wu Liang Shou Chueh Ting Kuang Ming Wang To Lo Ni). You should recite it 49 times per day for yourself. Okay? You should also perform Life Liberation, and you will see. Let me tell you, I guarantee that you will live. No problem. Okay?

Enquirer: Thank you, Master Lu.

Master Lu: Alright, Madam. That’s it, that’s it.

Enquirer: I want to ask one more question.

Master Lu: Ah ah ah. That’s enough, that’s enough.

Enquirer: I want to ask one more question.

Master Lu: Okay, that’s enough! You took a long time already. You should give others a chance, there are so many people waiting. Madam, okay? Give those people a chance, so many of them there! Thank you, thank you, Madam. Okay, let’s give her a round of applause to thank her for leaving the stage.

So, please allow me to say something. Today, we have many Dharma followers who are sitting in the rooms on the two sides of the main hall, including Dharma friends from Malaysia. They are sitting in the rooms on the two sides of the main hall. They can’t directly see the main stage, but they are sitting on the sides to hear about the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. I encourage people who are sitting in the main hall to give them a round of applause to thank them for giving you the seats in the main hall.

Master Lu: Ah, okay. Thank you.




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