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[Totem Enquiry] Two tiny foreign spirits clamping her neck- 2011 Malaysia 11

发表于 2021-10-28 09:28:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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 More Totem Enquiry Cases

Totem Enquiry

The following case is extracted from “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” Grand Dharma Function in Malaysia on 28 August 2011. Master Lu performed Totem Enquiries live on stage and answered questions from the audience to help them overcome difficulties in their health, career, and everyday issues.

When a person is asking Master Lu to perform Totem Enquiry, if a living person is being enquired, then the year of birth and the Chinese zodiac sign of that person should be stated. If a deceased person is being enquired, then the full name of the deceased and the exact written characters of the name should be stated.


Enquirer: Hi, Master Lu. Could you please take a look, I have performed the transferring of merits for the two children that my mother-in-law aborted. Could you please take a look and see if they are still occupying her body?

Master Lu: You have performed the transferring of merits for the two children that your mother-in-law aborted, you want to see if they’re still there.

Enquirer: My mother-in-law was born in 1946, year of the Dog.

Master Lu: 1946, year of the Dog. Let me take a look. 1946, year of the Dog. Ah, wait. Okay, one is gone. The other is still on the throat and chest area of your mother-in-law.

Enquirer: Hm.

Master Lu: Two tiny foreign spirits are clamping her neck. So your mother-in-law must feel uncomfortable in the throat and chest area. She feels chest distress and feels uncomfortable.

Enquirer: Ah ah ah, yes yes yes yes. How many Little Houses does she need?

Master Lu: She needs another 8 Little Houses.

Enquirer: Oh, okay, okay.

Master Lu: Alright.

Enquirer: Okay, okay. Also, I have performed the transferring of merits to a child that my mother aborted. Could you please take a look and see if the transferring of merits is successful? My mother was born in the year of the Monkey.

Master Lu: Your mother was born in the year of the Monkey, and you want to know if the foreign spirit of the child that she aborted has left.

Enquirer: 1944. My mother was born in 1944, year of the Monkey.

Master Lu: Your mother born in 1944, year of the Monkey. Okay, it’s gone.

Enquirer: Oh, fantastic.

Master Lu: How come you keep asking? You asked about two already. Hurry up, what do you want to ask?

Enquirer: I have also transferred merits to my grandparents. I would like to know where they are.

Master Lu: Ah, you can’t ask that many. Just ask one then. Grandpa or grandma, just ask one.

Enquirer: Okay, okay, okay. Then I will ask about my grandma. Her name is Chang Tsui O.

Master Lu: Chang Tsui O. “O” is the one that has the Chinese character for “female” on the left?

Enquirer: Yes yes yes.

Master Lu: “Tsui” is the Chinese character for ”emerald green”?

Enquirer: Yes yes yes.

Master Lu: Chang Tsui O. When did she pass away?

Enquirer: Ah.

Master Lu: You don’t have to tell me any more, I can see her now. How many Little Houses have you recited for her? Forty-something?

Enquirer: Over thirty.

Master Lu: Over thirty. Ah, she’s in the Asura realm.

Enquirer: Oh, okay, okay. Thank you, Master Lu. Thank you, Master Lu.




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