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Only XLFM can help me make a vow to become a vegetarian for life. If I have the will, I will then have the motives.

Deep gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Deep gratitude to all Dharma protectors. Deep gratitude to Master Lu. Deep gratitude to the fellow Buddhism practitioners who have helped me.

I am an XLFM Buddhism practitioner who was born after the year 2000.

At the beginning of December 2019, I started practicing XLFM. In April 2020, I became a vegetarian. In 2021, I was really keen to make a vow to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life, but I didn’t have the bravery to do it. I was only making vows to be vegetarian month by month.

On February 23, 2022, I finally made a vow to be vegetarian for the rest of my life!

Many people have asked me why I become vegetarian at such a young age? In fact, before I practised Buddhism, I hardly ate green vegetables and meat was most of my diet. Friends and family around me knew that I had been a meat person all my life. When they heard that I became a vegetarian, everyone was surprised. A person who loves meat has become a vegetarian!

After I started practicing the religion, I would go to the Guanyin Citta Hall after work. I often prayed to the Bodhisattva to help me to be a vegetarian at that time. In the early days of being vegetarian, I was not used to it, but I still did it. As time passed, I felt normal.

I bought fish in the supermarket and released it.  It’s pitiful to see that the fish was killed just for people to eat. If we don’t eat meat, we won’t die but animals will. People should have compassion. Vegetarianism does not distinguish young or old, it depends on the individual’s heart.

Before I made the vow, I thought what if I couldn’t buy vegetarian food outside? I didn’t know how to cook vegetarian food, so what should I do if I don’t cook well? I asked a few other Senior fellow practitioners about my worries, and their answers have resolved my concern. I am very grateful for all the positive messages shared and energy that I have received.

After I made a vow to become a vegetarian, the things I was worried about before disappeared, and I felt very comfortable. I have realised that it is not as complicated and scary as I thought.

After I became a vegetarian, my stomach discomfort has improved a bit!

In July 2021, I got sick. The doctor said it was stomach acid and prescribed some medicine for me. He advised me not to eat certain food. Since then, when I had an upset stomach, I took medicine. I went to see the doctor in November and asked him what caused it. The doctor said that the stomach acid can’t be cured, and it happens occasionally. I was really upset by what the doctor said.

After I made a vow to be a vegetarian, miraculously my stomach was not as sensitive as before. I could even feel that my body is getting healthier. It is amazing. I am very grateful to the Bodhisattva. Though I am the only one in my family who is vegetarian and practises Buddhism, I will for sure continue with it.

Brothers and Sisters, it is great to be vegetarian. It has benefited me a lot. There are so many natural and man-made disasters at the end of this Dharma era. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Everything is impermanent. The vow to become a full vegetarian is great and meritorious. Merits can ward off disasters!

May this sharing benefit all who read it. If there is anything that is not appropriate, I seek the forgiveness from Shakyamuni Buddha, Guan Shi Yin Boddhisattva, and the Dharma Protector.

May I burden my own karma rather than others.

分享人:同修 2022年4月29日

【精彩感言摘录(七百三十二) 2022-06-04】



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